Humbly Receive.
Faithfully Live.
Never Give Up.
From lost to found, darkness to light...
Great changes from the inside out are possible. This is true on a natural level as well as on a supernatural level. Wherever you're at - there's more...
I offer my work as a helpful guide - a beggar showing other beggars where the food is: Jesus and His Catholic Church are real.
I've dedicated my life, from age 24 onward, to sharing the Treasure and helping others to find their true greatness in Christ.
Ever ask that question?
There's a lot coming at us in this earthly life and for me, "what is this life?" is a question that naturally stirs up often in my mind. I think it makes sense as a way to reorient to the nature of reality and see how daily life and all that is before us fits in.
I have found that it's the simple, deeper questions that really matter. And the way we answer those questions profoundly shape our lives.
I'm not gonna hide it - I have come to see, understand, and experience that Jesus and His Catholic Church are real; and to enter into that reality is truly like finding the treasure worth giving everything for.
For me it's simple - dive in and strive to run forward in the truth, goodness, and beauty that Jesus died and rose to give us in His Catholic Church: humbly receive Him and set your focus on loving Him back in a life of fidelity.
At the same time, I do believe we need to have an awareness of the scandalous times we're in and call the corruption out charitably as we see it, while also, and this is very important, not being consumed by it.
There are countless terrible, scandalous examples of corruption in the human element of the Church. There are many people who claim to be "devout Catholics," but actually believe and live in serious opposition to the teachings of Jesus and His Catholic Church.
The bad example of many "Catholic" politicians is bad enough, but these bad examples are also many within the leadership of the Catholic Church.
Tragically, everywhere the seriously unfaithful go while saying 'Lord, Lord' is like an anti-Gospel that makes the reality of Jesus and His Catholic Church seem like a farce. It confuses, distracts, and turns people away from the real Treasure that actually exists.
There are also many who claim the name "Christian" and yet are deeply anti-Catholic. What an awful contradiction! Most of the folks in this camp have little knowledge of what the Catholic Church actually teaches, but rather they only know the anti-Catholic, straw man propaganda they picked up at some point.
Sadly, whether it's infidelity in the Church or outside of her, many are very much invested in lies against the Catholic Church and her teachings, especially her authoritative teaching on the moral law. They want to keep on living according to their own customizable moral order, rather than humbly receive and faithfully live according to the loving moral absolutes that Jesus left us in His Catholic Church. Many have strong blinders up against anything that will crack their comfort or take them out of the rut they've dug into.
But at the same time....
I do believe there are many people living where I used to be - somewhat open, somewhat customizing their own spirituality, and very much lost and confused whether they realize it or not. The difference here is that their door is sincerely open to some degree.
It is here, that reflecting on these very important questions can be fruitful:
What if Jesus and His Catholic Church are actually real?
What would that mean for my life?
I certainly never expected it to be true, but about 25 years ago I came to know and experience the reality of Jesus and His Catholic Church and then, by God's grace, I humbly entered in.
Like the Pevensie children entering the wardrobe and finding themselves in Narnia, I saw there is so much more than what I realized or could even imagine.
As one who believes and strives to live the reality of Jesus and His Catholic Church to the full, and is almost a few decades down the road, I encourage you...
Push away the bad examples and the antis and look to the lives of the saints. See the incredibly good fruits of the lives of those who humbly received and faithfully lived the reality of Jesus of His Catholic Church with authentic love. We are made to go that way.
What are you waiting for?
Come, Lord Jesus. Help me to see and enter into all You have for me.
Let's go!
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The Simple Truth is a Catholic radio show/podcast I host that proclaims the life-giving reality of Jesus and His Catholic Church and helps us to live the good, true, and beautiful lives we're made for. It airs every Monday-Friday from 4-5pm ET and features some terrific guests. You can watch live and find past episodes on my YouTube channel or listen via the iCatholicRadio mobile app. The podcast is also available wherever you find podcasts.